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Why you should choose J.I.ISTI ?

  • Lifetime Support
    We are delivering an enhanced learning experience with the right blend of training methodology, a rich mix of technical, aptitude and soft skills, industry-relevant curriculum and candidates project work.
  • Industry Experienced Trainers
    Industry-experienced trainers with hands-on experience in the latest tools and technologies taking the role of mentors and career counsellors to advise, inspire and help candidates achieve personal and professional goals.
  • 100% Job Assistance
    Gateway to J.I.ISTI provides job placements to our certified candidates. Gateway to J.I.ISTI has a devoted Placement wing which has an authentic record of placing candidates in the best companies all over the world.
  • 1:1 Query Discussion
    Gateway to J.I.ISTI provides job placements to our certified candidates. Gateway to J.I.ISTI has a devoted Placement wing which has an authentic record of placing candidates in the best companies around the world.
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